A Spoken Word by Cyrus Kung
Let us pause and take a moment
Let us take a breath
Let us turn to our senses
What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell??
What have you brought with you?
Who do you notice around you? Who is with us now?
Your friends? Your family? Your minister? Maybe even your God.
Let us pause and notice those who have gathered.
Let us notice the history of the place we lay our feet on now.
Let us notice the land beneath our feet. Notice the feet that have been walking here for generations.
The Stories left for us to discover.
Let us notice the colours that are present here today.
The colour of the blues orange and green. The colours that sink our heart and lead us to despair.
Let us notice the stories of pain that some of us may be bringing.
Let us see the colour of orange the colour of bright lights and the sun.
Let us notice the cheer and the hope that trails from those who are gathering today.
Let us notice the rainbow the sign of hope in a stormy winter ahead.
Where is God? Is he here?
Where are we? Are We Present?
I'll say again
Let us pause
Let us take a breath
Let us turn to our senses
What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell??
Who do you notice around you? Who is with us now?
Your friends? Your family? Your minister?
As we gather
I wonder where we might notice our God?
