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Daily Rice Collective

The Dailyrice Collective has been a catch all for many of my different creative endeavours over the last few years, It has served as a platform for me to launch new creative ideas about sharing the journey of faith,  community, culture and longing. Through this platform I have been involved in recording music, creating content for podcasts, running events and connecting people from different walks of life (See below for more info). 


Who we are is so much more than what we put on display for the world around us.

Identity can be so much more than our race, our ethnicity, likes, dislikes, our preferences and our habits. Who we are is not defined by a list of things.

Who we are might be found in the complexities of our stories, the stories of where grew up, where we are from and where we find hope, 

We are,

The stories we tell,

The stories we live,  

The stories we hear. 


As we tell stories, the stories that we might hear when we sit around a table and eat our daily rice.       

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Our Projects

Here are different projects that we have worked to help produce.

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My Little Asian Friend - Cy
Who Do We Think God Is?

Who Do We Think God Is?

Who do we think God is? A Spoken Word written by Cy So I often get asked who do I think God is, People ask me Do you think God is the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth? Do you think God is Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord? Do you think God is the Holy Spirit? Who do i think God is? Well I could give you a creed, I could even recite one for you, In fact I could recite one for you in three languages. But that's not very edgy, for a spoken word And I like to think I'm a little edgy, So today let me be a little edgy for you, let me take to you the edge, to the edges, to the margins And let me tell you who i think God is.. I think He is Father. He is the first person, first privileges means many make him the first to be conceived, But my conception of him is what I first perceive, However, what I first perceive comes only through my lense and how I see my own father, He is stoic, he is composed, he is mysterious, He is authority, Holy, reverent, above and beyond, He is Good, He is who He is, He is the judge, the head, he is stern, one with all things, The One that holds his composure I imagine that the father, is farther than He is, He is a provider of everything, everything except his presence because He resides in His throne room, I bow when I am near, and in doing so only heighten his reverence and his mystery, always missing his face as my head tilts down in respect, Let me tell you who I think God is, He is Father seen through my lense of 2500 years of filial piety, Who do I think God is? I think He is an Asian Dad. Let me tell you who I think God is, I think She is Spirit, She is the third person, Third privileges means She takes the back seat to the Father and the Son, But She doesn’t mind, because privileges, thrones and palaces are all too easy for her to penetrate with Her essence, Her soft touch, the soft spoken breath of her words and Her elusive but, O so tender embrace that cuts through duality, She is God, She is wisdom, She drives us into the wilderness, She guides us if only we would listen, She is always present, one with all things, The One that hovered even when all things was not yet, She sits with us, she holds us, walks with us, even when walking is hard and meaningless, Let me tell you who I think God is, She is Spirit seen through my lens, She is the gentle nurturer, humbly whispering into the ears of the Father and the Son, Who do I think God is? I think She is an Asian Mum. Let me tell you who I think God is, I think He is Son, He is the second person, Second privileges means nothing because second is as good as last in a world that elevates those who fight for the top, But the second is His identity, his place, is to always be one step down from the first, He is friend, He is flesh, He is the vine, He is the bread of life and He walked the earth with those who could not walk, He is obedient, He always takes his place and His position only comes second to the Father, He is God, He is the runner up, He is second class, He is always with the least, the lost and the last He is the connection, one with all things, The One that joins us in tangible, togetherness, touching, tickling and teaching us today. He was born in a manger, excluded from his community, stuck in a world, in between worlds, He holds the tensions of division, and builds bridges between places and people who don't count the other as the same, He is the same, same same but different, Let me tell you who I think God is, Through my lens... The lens I can not see Who do I think God is? 'I'....don't know Because im stuck wondering, pondering... I'm stuck asking.. What is my lens? Stuck asking who do i think God is? I'm stuck asking, Who Am I to ask this question? Who am I to tell you anything? Who am I to tell you that I'm a bit edgy? Who am I if I'm not at the edge? Who am I if I'm not at the margins?..... I'm stuck asking Who am I? Tell me what you think, Tell me what we think. Who do we think God is? Music is By: I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist:
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